Broken Heart Quotes

Broken heart quotes, Every person in their life faces a situation that, knowingly or unknowingly compares their situation by reading or by seeing a quote which is related to that situation, when they read it. Here we are posting some sad or broken heart quotes for relationship break up and also for sad situation...!
○ Don’t force someone to remember you all the time. Just stay silent let them realize How will the be without you in their life…!
Force quote

○ Dear boys, if a girl rejects your PROPOSAL, Don’t torture her, Don’t behave bad or rude to her, just move away, let her live happily…!
Rejected Proposal Quote

○ Never disturb A person once you feel avoided by them…!
Never Disturb Quote

○ A Relationship with No Arguments is a Relationship with a Lot of Secrets…!
Arguments Quote

Love Quotes

Love Quotes, These quotes are very helpful for the youth and also these are used as wallpapers or display pictures for whatsapp and for facebook accounts. Quotes with a picture conveys lot of feelings of a person, as a personal experience we are going further with this small experience hope you all like it…!☺☻♥
○   There is always one person in a relationship who love more, cares more, cries more, gets hurt more & even forgives more…! ♥
Love Caring Quote
○ Girl: Crying

    Boy: what’s  wrong?

   Girl: Nothing

  Girl: Why did you say sorry?
  Boy: Because I was not able to protect you from the person who made you cry…!☺♥
Crying Love Quote

○ Girls cry in front of only those who are special to them…☺♥
Special Person Love Quote

Motivational Quotes of Steve Jobs

Now a days youth are easily falling into depression. There might be any reason for their depression but one has to not lose their confidence levels and self motivation skills. To bring some change in the youth who are losing their confidence levels and self motivating skills, these motivational quotes of steve jobs will definitely bring change in their way of thinking…! 

Here Comes the Steve Job quotes its honor for me to post here…!
        ○ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life…!☺

Steve Jobs Time quote

1.        Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works…!☺

About Design

1.        ○ Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower…!☺
Difference Between a leader and Follower