Broken Heart Quotes

Broken heart quotes, Every person in their life faces a situation that, knowingly or unknowingly compares their situation by reading or by seeing a quote which is related to that situation, when they read it. Here we are posting some sad or broken heart quotes for relationship break up and also for sad situation...!
○ Don’t force someone to remember you all the time. Just stay silent let them realize How will the be without you in their life…!
Force quote

○ Dear boys, if a girl rejects your PROPOSAL, Don’t torture her, Don’t behave bad or rude to her, just move away, let her live happily…!
Rejected Proposal Quote

○ Never disturb A person once you feel avoided by them…!
Never Disturb Quote

○ A Relationship with No Arguments is a Relationship with a Lot of Secrets…!
Arguments Quote

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